Notte is a web browser for LLM agents. It transforms the internet into an agent-friendly environment, turning websites into structured, navigable maps described in natural language. By using natural language commands, Notte minimizes hallucinations, reduces token usage, and lowers costs and latency.

Get an API key

Create an account on our console and request a free API key. We have a free tier for testing, and then a pay-as-you-go tier for production. You can read more about Authentication and error codes in the Authentication page.

Available endpoints

With your API key, you can either use the REST API or our Python SDK to start building your own web agent or automations on top of Notte. API has 3 major endpoints;

  • POST /observe observes a website and extracts action space and controls
  • POST /step acts on a website you observed and performs an action
  • POST /scrape scrapes a website and extracts structured data

You can read more about these endpoints in the API Documentation.


If you’re willing to contribute to the project or want to deploy your own notte infrastructure at home, you’re free to do so. We’ve open-source the core of the service on GitHub under an Apache 2.0 license.